
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Let there be light

There are two ways of spreading light: To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it~ Edith Wharton


Today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Today, like so many of others in this community, I am remember the angels we lost too soon. Though life a year later is so drastically different, the scars left by miscarriage are still very real.

Tonight at 7 pm I am lighting a candle in remembrance of our angels as well as for the angels of dear friends. I will remember the joy that each of them brought to us and thank them for being guardian angels to the Beats. And, like last year, I will allow myself to grieve my body failing them in hope that in my grief I learn to forgive myself for losing them too soon.

To my fellow brothers and sisters who are lighting candles tonight; to those who are tending the wounds and scars created by loss: my heart is with you and your angels. May this wave of light spreading around the world bring all of you peace.