
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Here's where the story ends


  1. Dammit! I am so sorry Cristy.

  2. There is a lot of swearing going on my head right now. This sucks. I'm really sorry Cristy. A failed IVF is a very painful thing. Take care of yourself. I'll be thinking of you.

  3. I am so sorry. So sorry. Thinking of you today.

  4. I am so very sorry!

    Thinking of you lots!

  5. Ugh. I wish I had something better to day to you right now. I am so sorry. :(

  6. No, no no no. I wanted so badly for you to be posting positive news as I have anxiously waited. I am so so sorry. I know my worrds mean nothing right now but my heart hurts for you...sending you lots and lots of hugs and hope for peace

  7. There are no words that will make this better. Know you are in my thoughts. xoxo

  8. NO! I'm so sorry, Cristy. I really had high hopes that this cycle would work out for you guys. This is NOT the end of the story. A chapter, perhaps. But the story continues...

  9. Oh Cristy. You and Grey are in my thoughts and prayers.

  10. Oh no! Sending you positive vibes today.

  11. Oh no! I have been stalking you here hoping for good news. Hugs and positive thoughts I am sending your way-- I hope the love we send can help relieve some of the pain you and grey must be feeling.

  12. I'm so sorry. I hate this for you. You are in my thoughts <3

  13. WTH! I'm sorry Cristy. Sending you hugs. xoxo

  14. I'm so sorry Cristy. WTH! I'm so upset. Sending you lots of hugs and love. xoxo

  15. So many hugs coming your way. I'm so sorry Cristy. Keep your chin up, love you girl!

  16. That was like a punch in the gut for me; and I know it was a million times worse for you. I'm so sorry.

  17. Shit. This is what my dad said when I told him about my first miscarriage. Out of all the words of solace, this one made me feel the best. I think that shit is all I can say right now. What a shitty situation for you and your hubby. I can only hope that your premonitions about adoption will come to fruition sooner rather than later. Like another commenter said, this may be the end of a chapter, but not your story! HUGS!

  18. Cristy, I am aching for you and Grey. I wanted this for you as much as I wanted it for myself.
    I understand your feelings about wanting to leave the group. I can't say I wouldn't feel the same way; just know that many of us will still follow you on your journey to motherhood and you will never truly leave our hearts.

  19. Oh, Cristy, I'm so sorry. I know you were trying to stay hopeful for this cycle, and it sucks that it didn't work out. But this is not the end of the story. This is where the story takes a twist and leads you somewhere you didn't even know you wanted to go. Thinking of you and Grey, and sending lots of hugs!

  20. Well this is just super shitty news. I'm so sorry. When a door closes, a window opens? Or some such bullshit... let's hope it's true. xo

  21. Oh Honey, sending you lots of love and Hugz!

  22. The chapter is coming to a close, not the story. I just pray that with the turn of the page brings a lot less pain and fear.

    You and G have been most present in my thoughts.

  23. So sorry. I'm hoping that good things are on the horizon for you.

  24. I'm so sorry. :( Love and hugs from us.

  25. Ugh, that's the worst! May you find some peace in the coming weeks as you move on and I hope it's not long at all before the pitter-patter of little feet fills your home! Sending you lots of love from ICLW and you definitely grabbed yourself another follower! (We just filled out all our paperwork last night and all we have left to do is the dreaded budget, go get fingerprinted, and get lots of stuff notarized!!!)

  26. I'm so, so sorry, Cristy. I'm grieving with you for this loss and this ending of sorts. I know that happier times await you after you get through this suckage. We're here for you.

  27. I'm so sorry :( I was so hoping that this would be the cycle for you. This just sucks.

  28. You are in my thoughts and in my heart this week. I am so so sorry and mad and angry and so many other things that this book couldn't end differently for you and Grey.

  29. My dear friend. I am so sorry. I hope you and Grey are taking care of each other tonight and can find even a sliver of peace. This isn't the end even though if feels like it. You still have a couple directions to go.
    Regardless of all of that, I know how horrible you must feel and I hate it. Life is so hard sometimes. I wish I had extra babies for you. Hugs to you both.

  30. Oh Cristy. I am so sorry. Hugs.

  31. That one single line is one of the loneliest things I've ever seen. I'm so sorry that this story must end this way. When one book closes, another one opens - and when you are ready for that next book, I hope it brings you and Grey the happiest happily ever after that you can imagine.
