
Monday, January 28, 2013

Sugar Beat

Fetal heartbeats. Something every IFer and RPLer waits for with baited breath following a BFP. Despite 3 yrs on this journey and 2 previous pregnancies, Grey and I have never seen a heartbeat. That magical moment that so many people gush over has been completely foreign to us. So when we were told to schedule an ultrasound for 6w3d, we didn't think much about it. Even as the date drew closer, we focused on distraction and burying ourselves in work.

Last night the reality of the following day hit us like a ton of bricks. Neither of us slept well, making for an interesting day in general (thankfully, I managed to not pass out in lecture, despite the repeated attempts).

By the time I picked Grey up to head to the clinic this afternoon, despite feeling like I was about to lose my lunch, I was a wreak. All the "what ifs" and worse case scenarios were playing through my head. Somehow we managed to not only get to the clinic, but park without me losing it. And then it was up 10 floors to the all familiar waiting room, the whole time me bracing myself for bad news.

Only this time, there was no bad news. Instead there is a mixture of good and "hmm" news.

The good news: We have a heartbeat. A strong heartbeat at 113 bpm with the embryo measuring at 7.4 mm. I honestly thought that after all these years Grey and I would tear up when we saw this. Instead we could only stare at the tiny flicker that appeared on the screen.

The "hmm" news: There appears to be a second sac. The ultrasound tech zoomed in and out, focusing on different levels, but couldn't get any more information than the fact that there may be something else there. Initially our IVF coordinator/nurse told us that it was likely a vanishing twin and told us to schedule a second ultrasound for 2 weeks from now. Then we ran into Dr. Smile on our way out and she told us she wants us to come back next week for a follow up.

Needless to say, both Grey and I know that we're both suppose to be elated, but I think we're in shock. After the appointment, we went to a local coffee shop to process. After a disjointed and absentminded game of checkers, we both realized how out of practice we were with getting good news. Hopefully sleep will remedy.

On a good note, Grey has decided on a name for our embryo: Sugar Beat. His reasoning is that it has both a heartbeat and is sweet. That and the fact that he recently was introduced to the classic song from Seasame Street.


  1. Well that is not just good news, that is great news! Congrats on this milestone!

  2. Shock sounds like a completely appropriate reaction to little Sugar Beet! I could not be happier to read this update!!!

  3. I know this has been a lot of information and the whole thing is probably very overwhelming but like I said, take things one day at time or even one breath at a time. You are doing great and I think this is way more than good news.

  4. Yay for a strong heartbeat! Love this news!

  5. Wow. Congratulations on hitting this milestone!

  6. SO very happy for you! Love the name :)

  7. Congratulations Cristy! I hope you have good news from here on out!

  8. So happy to read this news! It's been a long time coming. And Grey did good--what an absolutely adorable nickname!

  9. It's about time you start getting used to good news my friend... I foresee a lot of it in your future!

  10. Wonderful news! Congratulations Cristy and Grey.

  11. Wonderful news! Sugar Beat, too cute :)

  12. Cristy I'm in tears! So unbelievably happy for you and keeping good thoughts that you just have to learn how to process good news in the coming 8 months! xoxo

  13. Congrats Cristy!!!!!!!! GOOD news is what u both deserve 4 the next 9ish or so months and beyond!

  14. WOW! Congrats on that wonderful hearbeat and I hope that you continue to get only good news :)

  15. WOOT!!! My first reaction on seeing a heartbeat is always shock and disbelief, too. The happy comes later :)

  16. Wonderful news! So happy for you. :)

  17. Woohoo! Congrats! So thrilled for you guys... also, despite being raised on a steady diet of Sesame Street, I somehow missed this amazing song. I love how the children singing are so happy but the images depict really bored and probably severely underpaid laborers... hahaha.

  18. Yayy!! so happy for you two! Wishing you many more good news along the way.

  19. How exciting to finally see a little heartbeat! I am thrilled for you! I can see why you were (are) feeling the way you do - this is a long time coming and is foreign territory.

    Congrats! And good luck next week. I hate telling you this, but these things don't always get easier with time ;) I still get nervous before the doppler at each OB appointment!

  20. Such wonderful and amazing news my friend. I am so glad I got to talk to you about it. You are SO due for good news...not so sure about the Hmm news though. I will pray (as much as I do) that this little sugar beat keeps getting bigger and stronger. You deserve this SO much.

  21. Ahhh, that is such amazing news!!! I am beyond happy for you, lady!

  22. Congratulations!! Wonderful news!

  23. A perfect beating little heart! That news is better than good. So happy for you (and hoping the potential second sac issue is resolved soon).

  24. Fabulous news! Congratulations! Hoping for nothing but happy news here on out!

  25. Yesssss!!!!!! Love this Cristy! Congrats to you and Grey!

  26. Catching up on some of your recent posts. Congratulations!!

  27. 1) YAY! YAY YAY YAY YAY! So incredibly thrilled for you and Grey.
    I2) "Sugar beet" is one of my *favorite* songs from sesame Street! (I know all the words! har har...) It always pops in my head. Now I have another happy thought attached to it. :)

  28. OMG, Cristy. That is the most wonderful news. I will be thinking of Sugar Beat and sending healthy thoughts his or her way.

  29. It's next week! Thinking of you and hoping you see a perfect little embryo at your follow up.
