
Monday, August 15, 2016

#MicroblogMondays: Messages of love

Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is? Read the inaugural post which explains the idea and how you can participate too.

It's early in the morning when I notice I have two unread text messages on my phone. One is from my dad thanking me for the video of the Beats splashing around in puddles left over from a recent storm. The second one is from Grey. A longer message containing some lyrics about love and how even in the dark moments it's worth it.

While in the thick of infertility, Grey and I struggled to find ways to connect and express our love for one another. One night, after a particularly painful episode, he sent me an email titled "This helps me." And with that, a new way of communicating began. Quotes or song lyrics or even short notes on Post-its. It became our way of connecting and reminding one another we were in this together.

Down through the years we've had hard times and tears
But they only helped our love grow
And we'll stay together no matter how strong the wind blows

Not once have I seen your blue eyes filled with envy
Or stray from the one that you hold
Oh, true love travels on a gravel road

Love is a stranger and hearts are in danger
On smooth streets paved with gold
Oh, true love travels on a gravel road
Yeah, true love travels on a gravel road

~Elvis Presley


  1. That is just beautiful. I love Elvis, and in this context it just seems like a gorgeous love letter. What a creative and connected way to share notes with each other!

  2. That's such a wonderful way of connecting! I've seen many articles discussing how social media/texting can tear relationships apart - it's encouraging to see the positive side of it as well. Thank you for making me smile!

  3. How lovely that you found love on those notes. Some couples can not even discover that.. Good for you :) Hugs!
    And yes - lovely words by Elvis.

  4. Great song lyrics are great because they say things that we are feeling but couldn't put into words ourselves. Sharing those lyrics is a wonderful way to connect.

  5. This is so sweet and so brilliant. It is such a lovely way of saying that you matter to each other. Just lovely.

  6. Songs really get to the heart of emotions, stemming from them much of the time. No wonder we can use them to deepen bonds and heal. Love this.

  7. I love that. The idea of connecting over song lyrics. Especially when those songs have a tendency to pop up in odd places (musak in the grocery store!) just when you need the reminder.

  8. Lovely. It's so important to find ways to connect after loss. Especially as it's really common that we and our partners process things differently.

  9. This is really nice. I think relationships can work and stay vibrant if both people just keep trying and believe in the value of it.

  10. Am I the only one (the only one old enough to remember?? -- erk!!) who noticed that you shared an Elvis song almost exactly 39 years to the day after he passed away (Aug. 16th, 1977)??
