
Monday, December 5, 2016

#MicroblogMondays: Climbing back in the saddle

Not sure what #MicroblogMondays is? Read the inaugural post which explains the idea and how you can participate too.

Friday, after spending 2 days feeling sorry for myself, I made the decision to get back into the job hunting game. Shaving my legs, curling my hair and donning a new (to me) dress, I went into work and spent most of the morning updating my resume and searching job boards. The goal is to get back into the routine of hunting, with applying for/inquiring about at least 3-5 positions a week. No matter the outcome, I just need to keep putting myself out there.

To fuel this climb back into the saddle has been the soundtrack from Muriel's Wedding. Nothing like the story of an underdog who finds a way to come out on top to motivate.


  1. Way to go! The job hunting process is so difficult. Hope you're get some good responses soon!

  2. Love it! Good luck to you, such a hard process. I hope you find that excellent fit soon!

  3. Good for you! Wishing you luck. I know how demoralizing this can be, even though I'm not nearly as active in my job search.

    I loved Muriel's Wedding. Thanks for this little treat.

  4. Oh, MAN! I'd forgotten how much I loved that movie. I think I have it on VHS somewhere. I'd always planned to watch it with my daughter for times like you're going through (and the teen equivalent), so THANKS for this reminder

    Good luck to you. Whoever ends up with you is going to be so glad they did.

  5. It's amazing how much shaving your legs can give you a different outlook on life? LOL! Good luck, friend! Job hunting is no joke.

  6. Awesome movie/soundtrack choice! Best of luck with the job search!

  7. Good for you girl! The hardest part of anything to me is just starting (or re-starting). I always took my week vacations from my jobs Wednesday to Wednesday if possible so that I could ease back into it when I got back. It's daunting after even a week away from anything... school, work... Best of luck with your search. xo
