
Friday, September 7, 2018

The melting part of a meltdown

This meltdown has been building for awhile. Between stress work, stress from home, stress from Teddy's upcoming surgery and stress in general, I'm been feeling out of sorts for awhile and aware how thread-barred I've been becoming.

So when yesterday I misread an email that landed me in some hot water with my boss, followed by a rough morning with her in general, combined with a follow-up email from Maddy's teacher where she flippantly asked about meeting times and then another email from Teddy's surgeon where he decided Teddy needs to see a hearing specialist prior to surgery next Thursday (he's had 2.5 months to sit on the information I gave him), the meltdown began.

And though my boss apologized later, making it clear she wants me to communicate with her, I didn't feel any better as now I'm convinced my contract isn't going to be extended.

And though Maddy's teacher explained in a follow up email that she just wanted to chat in general, I emailed a request to the principle for a formal sit-down as I already know this type of communication will lead to future conflict and this needs to be rectified now, making me agitated that I have to initiate these boundaries

And though the ENT staff is scrambling to get Teddy in to be seen, the surgeon and I are now angry with one another as I pointed out that this delay really is not acceptable (and he's angry as physicians aren't use to this type of push-back), meaning today is a cooling-off period before an escalation happens that cannot be undone.

Somehow I got through the work day, but last night was spent with me pacing and floating in-and-out of tears, with Grey finding me curled up in the kitchen at one point. I'm consumed with guilt over all the negativity and am gripped by fear that comes with once again having to resume a job hunt. I'm tired of feeling like a failure and less-than based on a career-path I chose.

But above all, I'm angry. And that's not a great place to be.

Despite next to no sleep and a commute that continues to be taxing (~100 miles every day has been wearing), I'm trying to pull myself together today to get final pieces put into place for this event tomorrow. Grey has stepped up and will be the primary parent for the next 48 hours and even Maddy and Teddy have agreed to jump in to help out by showing Grey the ropes to their typical day. Still, I feel like goo, with next to no skeleton for support. And that sucks.


  1. I can’t say anything to make this better, but you are amazing. And enough. And loved. I wish I could fix this for you.

  2. Oh, Cristy. I'm standing beside you, offering support and cheering you on. I wish it could be more. You're such a great mom and teacher and thinker. I hope you get a break soon. Good luck tomorrow!

  3. Oh man, I'm sorry. And it's especially rough that everything is happening at once!
    Good luck with Teddy's surgery. And Maddy's school meeting. AND your things with your boss.

  4. Cristy, I am sending you so much love. Feeling like skeletonless goo is terrible. Feeling like everything that COULD go wrong IS going wrong if no good, either. This sounds like an exhausting couple of days. I hope that those around you (boss included) can realize that everyone has breaking points, but the good far outweighs a moment where the street just bubbled over and erupted. I'm sorry you feel so low, and I hope the coming days are kinder to you. Giant, squeeze, virtual hugs coming at you.

  5. Meltdowns are necessary. They suck and they feel awful, but it was needed to expel the negativity from your soul. Now give yourself a huge hug from me and know you are most certainly not alone.

  6. Oh friend. Sending you a hug. Wishing you luck with the surgery and for the school meeting and for things to calm down at work.

  7. That's a lot to be dumped on a person! I'm sorry life has been so stressful.

  8. Lack of sleep coupled with stressful situations in every aspect of your life is a recipe for a meltdown. Gray is the other parent and should be there to pick up when you are not able to be 100%. I hope that these situations get resolved soon. Also, maybe finding a new job that doesn't require a 100 mile commute every day would be a good thing? Long commutes are terrible!
