
Saturday, February 16, 2013

As promised: socks

Despite recent drama, I haven't forgotten about the sock exchange. Here's the list:

Elana @ Elana's Musings and KelBel @ Tales from Our Yellow Brick Road

oursoonerchick @ One day at a time and StacyLee @ Conceptionally Challenged

Nickeecoco and Sexy Sadie @ The Sub-Fertile Slut

Teresa F and Non Sequitur Chica

lamenting the lentil and Sadie @ Invincible Spring

And finally, a three way.

Rain @ Weathering Storms and Alicia @ Queen of the Slipstream and Jessah @ Dreaming of Dimples

Ladies, I have an extra special plea: please don't add to my stress-level by not contacting your exchange partner. Most of you I know will not do this, not I occasionally get a couple with each of these exchanges and it breaks my heart. So many women have written me to tell me how much these socks mean to them, so please write me if you want to bow out. No hard feelings if you communicate with me, I promise.


  1. Great! I contact my partner! Thanks, Cristy!

  2. contacted my person. I'm so excited!

  3. My buddies are contacted!! Thank you for doing this!!

  4. Thank you very much! I was wondering if you have contact information for Elana - I was unable to find any on her blog.

  5. Thank you, Cristy! Partner contacted!

  6. thanks for the assignment!!! I cant wait to get this rolling!!! Thanks Cristy for again setting this up!!!

  7. Looking forward to it! Thanks for setting this up!

  8. Thanks so much! My partner and I are in contact :) this means a lot.

  9. I know you're stepping away from this space...but I hope your third ultrasound went well. I hope we'll get to hear about it at some point...Best wishes!

  10. Thank you so much for this Cristy! We're in contact and excited about the exchange! Hope you're looking after yourself.
