
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Let it snow!

For my 21st birthday, all I wanted was for it to snow. I had just gotten back to my apartment at college and was preparing for a road-trip to the West Coast for the Rose bowl. My friend and I had made plans to meet up later in the evening to celebrate me hitting this milestone and he asked me if there was anything special I wanted.

"Just for it to snow," I told him.

And that night it did. Big, fat flakes that rained softly down from the sky, covering the world in white. I remember giggling like a small child and forcing my friend to dance with me in it. It is still one of my most treasured memories.

Two days ago, I turned 37 yrs old. The day was a quiet one, just the way I like them. But secretly I've been wishing for snow. Ever since we moved to Boston, I've been hearing about all the snow from last year and boy was I in for it as they assumed someone from Seattle had never seen snow. (The ribbing all stopped when they learned I was raised in Minnesota, as Minnesota snow removal crews had to be called in last year)

This morning, as He-Beat and I began our usual morning routine, I noticed it wasn't as dark outside. Despite hearing the sounds of frozen rain hit the sides of the apartment, I held my breath as I raised the shades hoping the illumination was due to a white ground cover. As I let out a squeak of delight, He-Beat came running up to me, looking very curious. It's not the first time he's seen snow, but it is definitely the first time he'll remember.

As I type, the snow is melting due to ongoing rain (which is suppose to freeze tonight). But the memory of this morning, watching He-Beat play in the snow with unbridled joy (She-Beat wasn't too sure about it, unfortunately) has left me smiling for most of the morning.


  1. Happy belated birthday!

    I have been wishing for snow instead of all of the rain we have been getting in Chicago and yesterday it snowed (before sleeting and then turning to rain). :-/

  2. Happy belated birthday. Glad you got your first snow in your new space. From what I hear about the upcoming weather, it sounds like you guys may get a lot more of it in January and February.

  3. And a belated happy birthday from me too!

    I really love this, as I have a fascination with snow, though I guess I see it more as a novelty, as I certainly didn't grow up with it like you did ... or, in fact, at all.

  4. Happy birthday!! :) Where we spent (and usually spend) Christmas, it was white -- white Christmases practically guaranteed (as I'm sure they are in most parts of Minnesota!). I can only remember about two years where there wasn't at least a good coating of white on the ground for Christmas. And I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. Sure, I'll take that plane ticket to Florida or Hawaii on Boxing Day ;) but for Christmas, I WANT SNOW! lol

  5. This is astounding! (Not least because the same thing happened to ME when I was in college ... someone offered me snow for my birthday.) I think we drove home from Cape Cod (where we were visiting my FIL) in it. :) Happy belated birthday ...
