For my 21st birthday, all I wanted was for it to snow. I had just gotten back to my apartment at college and was preparing for a road-trip to the West Coast for the Rose bowl. My friend and I had made plans to meet up later in the evening to celebrate me hitting this milestone and he asked me if there was anything special I wanted.
"Just for it to snow," I told him.
And that night it did. Big, fat flakes that rained softly down from the sky, covering the world in white. I remember giggling like a small child and forcing my friend to dance with me in it. It is still one of my most treasured memories.
Two days ago, I turned 37 yrs old. The day was a quiet one, just the way I like them. But secretly I've been wishing for snow. Ever since we moved to Boston, I've been hearing about all the snow from last year and boy was I in for it as they assumed someone from Seattle had never seen snow. (The ribbing all stopped when they learned I was raised in Minnesota, as Minnesota snow removal crews had to be called in last year)
This morning, as He-Beat and I began our usual morning routine, I noticed it wasn't as dark outside. Despite hearing the sounds of frozen rain hit the sides of the apartment, I held my breath as I raised the shades hoping the illumination was due to a white ground cover. As I let out a squeak of delight, He-Beat came running up to me, looking very curious. It's not the first time he's seen snow, but it is definitely the first time he'll remember.
As I type, the snow is melting due to ongoing rain (which is suppose to freeze tonight). But the memory of this morning, watching He-Beat play in the snow with unbridled joy (She-Beat wasn't too sure about it, unfortunately) has left me smiling for most of the morning.
Old Digital Books
1 day ago
Happy belated birthday!
ReplyDeleteI have been wishing for snow instead of all of the rain we have been getting in Chicago and yesterday it snowed (before sleeting and then turning to rain). :-/
Happy belated birthday. Glad you got your first snow in your new space. From what I hear about the upcoming weather, it sounds like you guys may get a lot more of it in January and February.
ReplyDeleteAnd a belated happy birthday from me too!
ReplyDeleteI really love this, as I have a fascination with snow, though I guess I see it more as a novelty, as I certainly didn't grow up with it like you did ... or, in fact, at all.
Happy birthday!! :) Where we spent (and usually spend) Christmas, it was white -- white Christmases practically guaranteed (as I'm sure they are in most parts of Minnesota!). I can only remember about two years where there wasn't at least a good coating of white on the ground for Christmas. And I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. Sure, I'll take that plane ticket to Florida or Hawaii on Boxing Day ;) but for Christmas, I WANT SNOW! lol
ReplyDeleteThis is astounding! (Not least because the same thing happened to ME when I was in college ... someone offered me snow for my birthday.) I think we drove home from Cape Cod (where we were visiting my FIL) in it. :) Happy belated birthday ...