I have vacation brain. I should be preparing for the upcoming semester, clean the house and reflecting on 2011, but instead I've found dreaming while curled up under the covers to be a formidable temptation. So, again, I apologize for my laziness and not getting this out sooner.
Here's the list for the sock exchange I have to date:
1) Kelley @ Ready For My Miracle
2) Her Royal Fabulousness @ Waiting for Little Feet
3) JustHeather @ BattleFish
4) Our Life in Cycles @ Living Our Life in Cycles
5) Still Hoping @ Hope Delayed
6) Chanel @ Just Waiting for My Turn . . .
7) Kayla @ Life is Simple, It's Just Not Easy
8) Toni @ Who is this "Fertile Myrtle"?
9) Belle @ Scrambled Eggs
The exchange will continue to be open to anyone who wants to participate (just shoot me an email), but it's time to get this show on the road.
For transparency, this is how I've assigned "sock exchange buddies." I used a random list generator found here to randomize the names and then paired people off based on names that were next to one another. Once you know who your buddy is, contact them to exchange shoe size as well as contact information. Again, socks do NOT need to be handmade, but I know all of you have a creative streak, so pick out something special. Let me know if you don't hear from your buddy within the next few days.
So, without further ado, here's the exchange list:
Kayla and Her Royal Fabulousness
Still Hoping and JustHeather
Our Life in Cycles and Belle
Chanel and Kelley
Cristy and Toni
Good luck!
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
19 hours ago
Thanks for pairing everyone up, Christy! Also, thanks to Still Hoping for stopping by and letting me know partners were set up, I missed this post.